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Afr. J. Clin. Exp. Microbiol ; 20(3): 221-230, 2019. ilus
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1256078


Background: Toxoplasmosis is a common worldwide infection caused by the protozoan Toxoplasma gondii. In Cameroon, several recent studies have reported high seroprevalence of this parasitosis in various hospitals (Douala, Limbe, Njinikom and Yaoundé). The aim of this study was to determine whether this high prevalence of toxoplasmosis might occur in other regions of the country. Methodology: Serological tests by the indirect Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) for IgG and IgM were carried out on 200 pregnant women (36 HIV-positive and 164 HIV-negative) at the Protestant Hospital of Mbouo-Bandjoun in western Cameroon to determine the presence of Toxoplasma gondii infection and to identify the risk factors associated with seropositivity of the subjects. Results: The overall seroprevalence of anti-Toxoplasma antibodies was 45.5%. The prevalence rate was 80.5% in the HIV-positive group (47.2% IgG, 22.2% IgM and 11.1% IgG + IgM) and 37.8% in the HIV-negative group (25.6%, 9.7% and 2.4% respectively). Using a multivariate logistic regression analysis, the secondary level of educational, presence of HIV infection, and frequency of close contacts with cats were significantly associated with the prevalence of IgG and/or IgM antibodies. Conclusion: Compared with previous reports of human toxoplasmosis in Cameroon, the prevalence in our study showed a decrease in the disease occurrence. Further studies are needed to determine whether this decrease is localised to our study or a general phenomenon currently affecting the country

Cameroon , HIV Seroprevalence , Pregnant Women , Toxoplasmosis , Toxoplasmosis/analysis
Med. Afr. noire (En ligne) ; 65(03): 176-182, 2018. ilus
Article in French | AIM | ID: biblio-1266298


Introduction : La toxoplasmose est une protozoose cosmopolite due à une coccidie intracellulaire obligatoire, Toxoplasma gondii. Elle touche les hommes et les femmes mais elle est redoutée chez les femmes enceintes. Les techniques de diagnostic de routine reposent actuellement surtout sur les techniques ELISA (Enzyme-Linked Immuno-Sorbent Assay) pour la détection des immunoglobulines G et M. A Brazzaville, la prévalence de la toxoplasmose est mal connue. Ainsi, cette étude a pour objectif de déterminer les aspects séro-épidémiologiques de la toxoplasmose au laboratoire de Parasitologie- Mycologie du Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Brazzaville.Résultats : Il s'est agi d'une étude transversale allant de septembre 2015 à mars 2016. Elle a concerné les patients reçus au laboratoire pour une sérologie toxoplasmique. La prévalence de la toxoplasmose a été de 46,8%. L'âge des patients variait de 3,6 mois à 49 ans, avec une moyenne de 27,8 ans. Le sex ratio était de 0,03 en faveur des femmes. La sérologie toxoplasmique était plus demandée dans le cas d'un bilan prénatal (92,3%). Elle était surtout prescrite par les gynécologues obstétriciens (49,4%) et les sages-femmes (46,2%). Les patients présentaient trois profils immunologiques : aucune immunoglobuline (51,9% des cas), uniquement des Ig G (45,5%) et Ig M associées aux Ig G (2,6%). La présence d'Ig M a été retrouvée dans les tranches d'âge de [20-29 ans] et [30-39 ans] sans différence significative (p = 0,104). La prévalence de la toxoplasmose dans notre étude est élevée.Conclusion : Il s'impose de mener des études chez les femmes enceintes dans notre contexte, de rechercher les facteurs de risque et d'évaluer les connaissances, les aptitudes et les pratiques chez les prescripteurs de la sérologie toxoplasmique

Academic Medical Centers , Congo , Toxoplasma , Toxoplasmosis/diagnosis , Toxoplasmosis/epidemiology
Afr. j. infect. dis. (Online) ; 10(1): 25-28, 2016. tab
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1257216


Background: Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum are protozoans infecting a wide range of mammals; the etiologic agents of Toxoplasmosis and Neosporosis respectively; This study investigated the prevalence of antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum in dogs from southwestern Nigeria. Materials and Methods: A total of 233 serum samples were obtained from both urban and rural areas of Oyo state; Nigeria and tested by the western blotting technique for specific IgG to T. gondii and N. caninum.Results: The seroprevalence obtained for T. gondii was 19% (44/233) and 2.1% (5/233) for N. caninum in the dogs examined. Overall; the prevalence of antibodies to T. gondii was more significant than for N. caninum (P 0.0001). T. gondii infection was also found to be more significant in roaming than in caged dogs (P 0.05). There was no significant association of other factors (age; breed; history of rabies vaccination; use of dog and the level of education of owner) with the prevalence of T. gondii and N. caninum infection. Conclusion: This report revealed that T. gondii infection is more common than N. caninum infection in Nigerian dogs; it suggests that improper housing and feeding of dogs could increase the risk of exposure to T. gondii infection. This is the first study to investigate the seroprevalence of N. caninum antibodies in Nigerian dogs and T. gondii antibodies in dogs in southwestern Nigeria

Dogs , Neospora , Nigeria , Seroepidemiologic Studies , Toxoplasmosis , Urban Population
Pan Afr. med. j ; 12(43): 1-6, 2012.
Article in French | AIM | ID: biblio-1268416


Introduction: La presente etude rapporte les donnees serologiques de 306 serums collectes chez des parturientes au CHU de Bobo Dioulasso et analyses retrospectivement au CHU de Reims en 2011. Le but etait de determiner le statut serologique de ces parturientes et d'en deduire la conduite a tenir. Methodes: La recherche des IgG et des IgM anti toxoplasmiques etait systematique. Les techniques d'agglutination haute sensibilisee et celle d'Immunocapture M ont servi a la recherche respective des anticorps specifiques IgG et des IgM. Resultats: Sur 306 serums analyses; 95 (31) avaient des IgG positifs et aucun n'avait des IgM. Deux cent onze (211) serums (69) des serums n'avaient ni IgG; ni IgM. Conclusion: Nos resultats montrent que 31 des femmes en dehors d'une immunodepression sous jacente; possedent une immunite residuelle vis a vis de Toxoplasma gondii et n'ont pas la necessite d'avoir une surveillance serologique pendant la grossesse. Cependant; 69 (211) des parturientes sont a risque d'une seroconversion; et devraient beneficier de conseils hygieno dietetiques; associes a une surveillance serologique durant la grossesse. Ces resultats montrent l'interet de mettre en place des mesures de prevention contre la toxoplasmose congenitale; etant l'une des affections materno - foetales les plus frequentes par la mise en place d'un diagnostic prenatal de la toxoplasmose en routine dans notre hopital

Pregnancy , Pregnant Women , Serologic Tests , Toxoplasmosis
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1263215


Toxoplasmosis is caused by an intracellular protozoan; Toxoplasma gondii; which has a wide geographical distribution. The congenital form results in a gestational form that can present a temporary parasiteamia that will infect the fetus. For this reason early diagnosis in pregnancy is highly desirable; allowing prompt intervention in cases of infection. The aim of this study was to determine the seroprevalence of Toxoplasma gondii antibodies among pregnant women attending the Douala General Hospital. The study was carried out between March and July 2009; whereby 110 pregnant women were tested for IgG and IgM antibodies and information about eating habits and hygienic conditions was collected using a questionnaire. These women's ages ranged from 20-44 years old with an average of 29.9 years; the overall IgG and IgM seroprevalence was 70and 2.73respectively. Seroprevalence was significantly high amongst women who ate raw vegetables (76.39; P0.05) and there was a significant trend towards a higher seroprevalence in women who did not have a good source of water (75.58; P0.05). This research showed that consumption raw vegetables and poor quality drinking water are two risk factors associated with Toxoplasma gondii infection amongst pregnant women attending the Douala General Hospital in Cameroon

Pregnant Women , Risk Factors , Seroepidemiologic Studies , Toxoplasmosis
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1263225


Toxoplasmosis is caused by an intracellular protozoan; Toxoplasma gondii; which has a wide geographical distribution. The congenital form results in a gestational form that can present a temporary parasiteamia that will infect the fetus. For this reason early diagnosis in pregnancy is highly desirable; allowing prompt intervention in cases of infection. The aim of this study was to determine the seroprevalence of Toxoplasma gondii antibodies among pregnant women attending the Douala General Hospital. The study was carried out between March and July 2009; whereby 110 pregnant women were tested for IgG and IgM antibodies and information about eating habits and hygienic conditions was collected using a questionnaire. These women's ages ranged from 20-44 years old with an average of 29.9 years; the overall IgG and IgM seroprevalence was 70and 2.73respectively. Seroprevalence was significantly high amongst women who ate raw vegetables (76.39; P0.05) and there was a significant trend towards a higher seroprevalence in women who did not have a good source of water (75.58; P0.05). This research showed that consumption raw vegetables and poor quality drinking water are two risk factors associated with Toxoplasma gondii infection amongst pregnant women attending the Douala General Hospital in Cameroon

Pregnant Women , Risk Factors , Seroepidemiologic Studies , Toxoplasmosis
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1272003


Toxoplasmosis; caused by the protozoan parasite Toxoplasma gondii; is one of the most common parasites of man and other warm-blooded animals. Humans are infected through contaminated food; water; and blood transfusion; organ transplantation or from mother to foetus through the placenta. Severe congenital infections occur as a result of primary T. gondii infection in early pregnancy. Transmission of T.gondii to the foetus can result in serious health problems; including mental retardation; seizures; blindness and death. Frequency of foetal infection is higher when maternal infection occurs later in pregnancy and sequelae are more severe when maternal infections occur early in the first trimester of pregnancy. The ability of the parasite to survive intracellularly largely depends on the blocking of different proapoptotic signaling cascades of the host cells. During pregnancy; however; alterations in the incidence of apoptosis are associated with abnormal placental morphology and function. Both cellular and humoral immune responses control T.gondii infection. Toxoplasma is asymptomatic; infected women can only be detected by serological testing. In many instances; congenital toxoplasmosis can be prevented by educating pregnant women and women of childbearing age about the route of transmission. The need for screening suspected cases of T. gondii will help reduce transmission to the foetus

Immunosuppression Therapy , Review , Toxoplasmosis , Toxoplasmosis/immunology , Toxoplasmosis/therapy
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1261446


Objective: To determine the seroprevalence of toxoplasmosis; assess its zoonotic importance and identify factors associated with seroprevalence. Methods: Questionnaire survey was conducted on 65 serum samples collected from male and female urban and peri-urban residents aged between 15 days and 65 years. Main outcome measures were feeding habits; purpose of keeping cats and association with family members. Serologic evidence of toxoplasmosis was conducted by the Modified Direct Agglutination Test (MDA T) and determination of HIV status using the HIV - Spot Test. Results: Over 50of the interviewed people had a history of consumption of raw or undercooked mutton and had close contact with cats. 60of the serum samples analyzed by the MDA T had serologic evidence of Toxoplasma infection. Significantly higher MDA T tiers were encoun- tered both in pregnant and immunocompromised individuals. The risk factors associated to Toxoplasma infection; i.e. raw or undercooked mutton consumption and presence of cats appeared significant. Conclusion and recommendations: The significance of toxoplasmosis as a disease of zoonotic importance was demonstrated. Close contact between family members and the consumption of raw or undercooked mutton were the major risk factors in the transmission of the disease. Considering the relatively high prevalence as revealed by this study it would be important to conduct studies on a wider scale. It would also be important to increase public awareness and upgrade the knowledge on congenital toxoplasmosis

Seroepidemiologic Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Toxoplasmosis
Dakar méd ; 52(1)2007.
Article in French | AIM | ID: biblio-1261054


Introduction : la toxoplasmose peut etre a l'origine de complications chez la femme enceinte a type de fotopathies graves; d'avortements. Cependant ces complications peuvent etre evitees pendant la grossesse par un diagnostic precoce. L'objectif de cette etude est de determiner la prevalence de la toxoplasmose chez la femme pendant la grossesse. Materiels et methodes : nous avons mene cette etude sur 109 femmes enceintes adressees au laboratoire de parasitologie et de mycologie du CHU Le Dantec pour un serodiagnostic de la toxoplasmose en 2002. Nous avons utilise une technique immunoenzymatique en phase solide dont le principe repose sur le changement de coloration en presence d'anticorps de type IgM ou IgG; coloration dont l'intensite est fonction du titre en anticorps. Pour cela deux tests serologiques (S1 et S2); a partir de deux prelevements de sang veineux a 3 semaines d'intervalle; sont realises chez ces femmes enceintes. Cette deuxieme serologie permettra de confirmer ou d'infirmer une toxoplasmose evolutive basee sur la variation du titre en anticorps entre la premiere (S1) et la deuxieme serologie (S2). Resultats : ils montrent qu'a la premiere serologie (S1); sur les 109 patientes; 3etaient positives aux anticorps de type IgM; 22positives a IgG; et 11positives a IgG et IgM. Au total 36des femmes presentent un sero- diagnostic positif a la premiere serologie (S1). La deuxieme serologie (S2) montre que parmi les 36des femmes diagnostiquees positives a la premiere serologie; 11faisaient une toxoplasmose evolutive. Conclusion : Cette etude montre une seroprevalence importante de la toxoplasmose decouverte fortuitement chez les femmes enceintes lors de leur bilan de grossesse

Pregnancy , Pregnancy Complications , Serologic Tests , Toxoplasmosis
West Afr. j. med ; 25(3): 253-254, 2006.
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1273442
Arch. inst. pasteur Madag ; 67(1-2): 57-60, 2001.
Article in French | AIM | ID: biblio-1259530


Interest of IgG avidity in the diagnosis of toxoplasmosis : Toxoplasmosisinfection is commonly asymptomatic; but it may have severe teratogenic consequences. The authors review the literature on serologic screening in the first trimester of pregnancy

Serology , Toxoplasmosis/diagnosis
Thesis in French | AIM | ID: biblio-1277050


Le suivi serologique de la toxoplasmose chez la gestante non immunisee ou exposee au risque de reactivation; est capital pour le depistage de la toxoplasmose congenitale. Notre etude a eu pour but d'une part; de rechercher ces etats a risque de toxoplasmose congenitale pendant la grossesse; et de l'autre; d'analyser le comportement des obstetriciens face aux resultats de ta serologie toxoplasmique au cours de la consultation prenatale. MATERIEL ET METHODE: Il s'agissait d'une cohorte prospective effectuee du 1er Janvier 2000 au 31 Janvier 2001 au service des CPN des grossesses a risque du CHU de Treichville. D'une part; nous avons suivi deux groupes de gestantes : le groupe A compose de 112 gestantes non immunisees au premier bilan prenatal et te groupe B de 8 gestantes presentant des ce premier examen; une suspicion de toxoplasmose evolutive. D'autre part; nous avons mene une enquete aupres de 22 obstetriciens concernant la prise en charge de la toxoplasmose pendant ta grossesse. RESULTATS : Il ressort de notre travail : concernant le suivi des gestantes : - un taux de seroconversion per gravidique de 1;8 pour cent dans le groupe A; - dans le groupe B; trois cas de toxoplasmose evolutive confirmee dont deux dans un contexte d'immunodepression acquise (VIH); - un cas de reactivation de ta parasitose chez une gestante immunodeprimee; un taux de transmission materno-foetale toxoplasmique de 20 pour cent. Concernant l'enquete menee au niveau des obstetriciens : - 9;1 pour cent ne jugeaient pas utile le suivi serologique des gestantes non immunisees; - 227 pour cent instauraient une surveillance serologique toxoplasmique en cas d'immunodepression liee a VIH; meme si la gestante avait une immunite ancienne contre la parasitose. CONCLUSION : La prevention de la toxoplasmose congenitale necessite non seulement un depistage prenatal optimal des seroconversions maternelles; mais egalement une recherche de l'infection par le VIH chez la gestante car l'immunodepression acquise peut engendrer la reactivation des toxoplasmoses anciennes

Diagnosis , HIV Infections , Pregnancy Complications , Toxoplasmosis , Toxoplasmosis, Congenital
Casablanca; Université Hassan II - Faculté de Médecine et de Pharmacie; 1998. 146 p. ilus.
Thesis in French | AIM | ID: biblio-1277598
Bull. liaison doc. - OCEAC ; 27(1): 43-44, 1994.
Article in French | AIM | ID: biblio-1260073


La recherche d'anticorps antitoxoplasmiques par la technique d'hemagglutination a ete pratiquee chez 180 femmes venues consulter a la maternite de l'Hopital Central de N'Djamena. La prevalence etait de 25;6 pour cent. Les anticorps antirubeoleux recherches par inhibition de l'hemagglutination etaient presents a un taux significatif chez 96;6 pour cent des femmes examinees

Rubella , Rubella/epidemiology , Toxoplasmosis , Toxoplasmosis/epidemiology
Echos santé (Paris) ; : 10-14, 1994.
Article in French | AIM | ID: biblio-1261541


La toxoplasmose oculaire represente l'effet pathogene de toxoplasma gondii; elle determine chez les sujets immunocompetents une chorioretinite d'allure necrosante volontiers temporel avec des aspects en rosace; une atteinte du segment anterieur parfois. Sa frequence chez un immunodeprime comme dans l'infection par le VIH serait de 30 fois plus elevee que chez le sujet immunocompetent. Ce present travail est consacre aux differents aspects anatomocliniques observes chez 24 malades presentant une toxplasmose oculaire d'age moyen de 32;09 ans avec des extremes a 14 ans et 57 ans; atteignant les deux sexes dans les proportions de 41;66 pour cent de femmes contre 58;33 pour cent d'hommes. Les lesions etaient dans 91;66 pour cent (22 malades) exclusivement des chorioretinites; deux cas de participation du segment anterieur etaient observes; 66;66 pour cent de localisations temporales sont notees (16 malades); 29;16 pour cent d'atteintes nasales (7 malades) et une seule localisation justapaillaire; 14 localisations droites sont notees contre 10 du cote gauche; 8 lesions eatient evolutives (33;33 pour cent) contre 16 lesions cicatricielles (66;66 pour cent); le dye test de Sabin Feldman etait positif chez tous les malades par contre les lgM etaient variables. La toxoplasmose doit etre recherchee devant toute chorioretinite dans nos milieux car le diagnostic ophtalmoscopique est de haute predictivite

Chorioretinitis , Toxoplasmosis
Trans. R. Soc. Trop. Med. Hyg ; 85(2): 227-9, 1991.
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1272940


In the USA and Europe; toxoplasmosis is well recognized as an important cause of morbidity and mortality among immunocompromised individuals. Toxoplasma gondii has been shown to be a common opportunistic infection in patients infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in the USA and Europe with published estimates ranging from 20pc to 80pc. The importance of Toxoplasma infection in East Africa has not yet been defined. The seroprevalence rates of toxoplasmosis in Zambian and Ugandan patients were determined using the dye test (DT) and the latex agglutination test (LAT). The geographical variation in seroprevalence rates noted in western countries was also found in these African countries; with Zambia showing significantly lower rates than Uganda. 34pc of Ugandan (64/186) and 4pc of Zambian (8/187) patients infected with HIV; compared with 27pc of Ugandan (26/93) and 11pc of Zambian (20/189) HIV-negative persons; had anti-Toxoplasma immunoglobulin G antibodies. With the LAT; 13pc of the Ugandan and 7pc of the Zambian sera gave a false positive result. The relevance of Toxoplasma serology in Africa is discussed

Antibodies , HIV Infections/epidemiology , HIV Infections/immunology , Opportunistic Infections/complications , Opportunistic Infections/immunology , Toxoplasmosis/complications , Toxoplasmosis/immunology